‘Astrological and Gene Keys Cosmic Reviews' Astrological and Gene Keys Cosmic Moon Reviews For 2021 For the Greater Glory of God Go I, I Am Astrological and Gene Keys Cosmic Moon Reviews For 2020 Cosmic Review Jupiter Pluto Conjunction April 2020.pdf Cosmic Review Aries New Moon Review and Jupiter Pluto Global 24th March 2020.pdf Cosmic Overview Aquarian New Moon January 2020 Sue.pdf Cosmic Overview Scorpio  New Moon November 2020 Sue.pdf Cosmic Overview for New Moon Capricorn January 2021.pdf Cosmic Overview for February New Moon in Aquarius 2021.pdf Cosmic Overview March, New Moon 2021.pdf Cosmic Overview April Aries New Moon 2021.pdf Cosmic Review Sagittarius New Moon December 2020.pdf Cosmic Review Pisces New Moon 24th February 2020.pdf Cosmic Review Gemini New Moon May Overview.pdf Cosmic Review Gemini New Moon June 2021.pdf Cosmic Review Taurean New Moon and Wesak Overview.pdf The Wesak Full Moon April 2021.pdf Cosmic Overview New Moon Libra October 2020.pdf Cosmic Overview July Full Moon Partial Eclipse 2020.pdf Cosmic Overview Cancer New Moon Solstice Eclipse 2020.pdf Saros Cycle 132 SUE .pdf Winter Solstice and Capricorn DECEMBER New Moon 2019 Cosmic Overview SUE .pdf Astrological and Gene Keys Cosmic Moon Reviews For 2019 Astrological and Gene Keys Cosmic Moon Reviews For 2022 Capricorn New Moon Cosmic Review January 2022.pdf December New Moon and Eclipse.pdf Cosmic Overview New Moon September 2021 EGA.pdf Libra Cosmic Overview 2021.pdf Cosmic Overview Pisces New Moon 2022 EGA.pdf

These Cosmic Reviews are offered for your reflection and contemplation – they reveal the interconnection between our DNA and the Cosmos.  For each of us, within this Universal Field of Consciousness, are a unique out picturing of a moment in time and each of us has the potential to raise the collective Consciousness into higher states of awareness.

This Cosmo-Biology is the fusion and evolution of the combined wisdom held within Astrology, Spirituality and Science and it holds the key to our health, wholeness and evolution both individually and collectively.

If you wish to subscribe to these Cosmic Reviews please contact Sue at


Cosmic Overview Scorpio November New Moon 2021.pdf New Moon Cosmic Review July 2021.pdf Lions Gate and Leo New Moon 2021.pdf The Gene Keys and the Cosmos.pdf Cosmic Overview Aries New Moon.pdf Aquarian New Moon and Pluto Return Cosmic Review Jan 2022.pdf Cosmic Overview Pisces New Moon 2022 EGA.pdf Cosmic Overview Taurus New Moon 2022.pdf The Wesak Full Moon May 2022.pdf Cosmic Overview for Gemini New Moon 2022.pdf Cosmic Review Cancer New Moon June 2022.pdf The Cosmic Overview Scorpio New Moon 2022.pdf Cosmic Overview Libra New Moon 26th Sept 2022.pdf Cosmic Overview Leo New Moon 2022.pdf Astrological and Gene Keys Cosmic Moon Reviews For 2023

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