Ashramic Group Life and  The ‘I AM’ Divine Economy

Cosmic Love In Action

Cosmic Re-Birth

The following Discourses are based upon the Work of Lucille Cedercrans,

 and from the Works of Alice A. Bailey and Master Djwhal Khul along with St Germain’s Divine Sharing from the I Am Discourses from the I Am Activity - St Germain Foundation

Furthermore, Divine Impressions of thoughts and feelings from the various Masters of the Ashrams of Divine Synthesis through the 7 Rays, but specifically

Rays 1,2 and 7 make up the Discourses.


For the Greater Glory of God Go I, I Am Part 3  St Germain Group Living Organism Study Guide.pdf Part 2  St Germain Group Living Organism Study Guide.pdf Part 1  St Germain Group Living Organism Study Guide  For MP3.pdf Series 1 Part 8 Divine Economy Applied Stimulation Master Djwhal Khul 15th November 2019.pdf Series 1 Part 6 Divine Economy  Work From The Point Of The Groups United Life Master Djwhal Khul 13th November 2019.pdf Series 1 Part 7  Divine Economy The Planetary Logos Master Djwhal Khul 14th November 2019.pdf Series 1 Part 5 Divine Economy Sending Forth the Sound Master Djwhal Khul 12th November 2019.pdf Series 1 Part 4  Divine Economy  Accepted As A Group  Master Djwhal Khul 12th November 2019.pdf Series 1 Part 3 Divine Economy Ecomony and the Field of Discipleship Djwhal Khul 6th November 2019.pdf Series 1 Part 2 Divine Economy Rightful Action Djwhal Khul 5th November 2019.pdf Series 1 Part 1 Divine Economy Djwhal Khul 4th November 2019.pdf

PDF Free Downloads

‘Ashramic Group Life and the ‘I AM’ Divine Economy Volume 1’ Organismal Community and Ecological Study Structural Living Light Integrity  Lord Metatron  8th July 2019.pdf Part 4  St Germain Group Living Organism Study Guide.pdf Living Framework for a Group Living Organism Study & Guide.pdf Part 1 New Living Organisms Revelation of Group Feeling DK 8th January 2019.pdf Part 2 New Living Organisms Synthesis and the Disciple Initiate Djwhal Khul 22nd January 2019.pdf Part 4 New Living Organisms Science of Embodied Response Djwhal Khul 3rd April 2019.pdf Part 3 New Living Organisms Science of Impression Djwhal Khul 30th January 2019.pdf

“Ashramic Group Life and Divine Economy are impossible to flourish without the True understanding of the Cosmic Laws that Govern these things.  And the most profound of these Laws are the Three Laws of Divine Synthesis; The Law of Synthesis, The Law of Attraction and the Law of Divine Economy.

The Synthesis of the teachings or of the training given, need to work in Greater Awareness by the human being to achieve Higher Purpose, Will, Love and Wisdom, which is something which you should not overlook. The unit, the individual and the part are always viewed in relation to an expanding and inclusive whole.  One of the marks of readiness for Initiation is the ability to see this inclusive entity and to note the Laws which are transcended when the part becomes the whole”.  DK

These Discourses are provided to help us come to this Greater Awareness so that we can all make better choices in Rightful Action to all fields of lives; none more so that the Divine Economy of how we share ourselves with others and life in general.  May these inspire you to Greater Heights.

In The Final Surrender There Is Only God Drop The Lie 9th September 2019.pdf Part 5 New Living Organisms Wesak Message Jesus The Christ 30th April 2019.pdf Part 4  SONGS OF RELEASE  Purpose of Need  Christ Jesus 26th, August 2018.pdf Series 1 Part 10 Divine Economy The Cave within the Head Master Djwhal Khul 23rd November 2019  .pdf Series 1 Part 9 Divine Economy Group Nucleus Master Djwhal Khul 21st November 2019 .pdf Series 1 Part 11 Divine Economy Ten Seed Groups  Master Djwhal Khul 10th December 2019 .pdf Series 1 Part 12 Divine Economy Two Groups Two Activities Two Functions Master Djwhal Khul 11th December 2019 .pdf Series 1 Part 13 Divine Economy Synthesizing Group Headquarters Master Djwhal Khul 15th December 2019 .pdf Series 1 Part 15 Divine Economy  Formulation of New Laws Master Djwhal Khul 18th December 2019  .pdf Series 1 Part 14 Divine Economy Opportunity To Cast Your Vote Master Djwhal Khul 17th December 2019 .pdf Saros Cycle 132 SUE .pdf Winter Solstice and Capricorn DECEMBER New Moon 2019 Cosmic Overview SUE .pdf ‘Ashramic Group Life and the ‘I AM’ Divine Economy Volume 2’ if You Would Like To Make ‘A Love Gift’  To The Elemental Grace Alliance To Help Our Forward Movement and To Continue Our Free Services Please Follow the PayPal Link WHAT IS A LOVE GIFT.pdf Living Framework for a Group Living Organism Study & Guide.pdf Part 6 New Living Organisms Rock Of Inertia St Germain 5th January 2021.pdf In The Final Surrender There Is Only God  Drop The Lie  9th September 2019 Peter.pdf Part 2 The Lions Gate Baptism By Fire Lord Metatron 28th July 2021.pdf Part 1 The Lions Gate Family of Light Lord Metatron 27th July 2021.pdf Part 9 Living Organism The Feeling of Being Wish Realized Mahan Chohan 14th January 2021.pdf Part 8 Living Organism The Womb of Creation Mahan Chohan 13th January 2021.pdf Part 7 New Living Organisms The Living Lights of Christ Djwhal Khul 8th January 2021.pdf Kryon Berkeley Springs WV Three Future Potentials April 15 2018.pdf

The ‘’ is not a commercial site or business.  It is a Living Organism that will grow through the New Consciousness of Human Evolution over the coming months, years, decades and generations to come in Accordance with God’s Divine Will and Cosmic Law.

The Elemental Grace Alliance, in All Its Form, is a Divine Sovereign Entity as a Living Organism, that is totally unaffected by any human miscreations or laws, that do not Serve Humanity for the Greatest Good of All Concerned; that is, All of God Life through Divine Cosmic Law, here upon the Planet of Mother Gaia.

This Living Organism Is Divinely Protected Based upon the Law of Freedom and God’s Given Human Rights to Live a God Life to its full potential.

All information shared upon this Website is for Free Educational Purposes in Accordance with God’s Divine Will and the Laws of Freedom and Divine Human Rights to be Free In Accordance with Cosmic Law!

This Website has been Consecrated and Initiated through the ‘Will To Do’ and the ‘Will To Be’,

 The Good To Do and the Good To Be, and is Sanctioned by The Beloved Elohim Hercules and Eloah. Amazonia!

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