‘The Divine Mind Powers Of The Christ Consciousness’

The theme and chains of thoughts herein, were initiated from the two books

1. The Twelve Powers of Man by Charles Fillmore


2. Birth of the Light Body by Nada-Yolanda


The Divine Mind Powers Of The Christ Consciousness

Is a compilation of understanding and practical application for educational purposes only!  

This E-Book is dedicated to the memories of the authors and to all those Children of the Light who are Seekers of the Truth and whom are open to the Higher Awareness of Their Spirituality and the Origins of Their Soul!

Click on the Mind Powers Cover to download a free PDF file

In The Mother’s Love We Nurture, In The Father Light We Give, In The Impersonal Life We Live! For the Greater Glory of God Go I, I Am Christos Consciousness Mind Powers Peter.pdf Twelve Powers of Man Charles Filmore.pdf

Great Central Sun

Christ Consciousness

Part 1 Twelve Mind Powers Divine Faith  Master Hilarion Charles Fillmore.pdf 01 Faith.png Part 2 Twelve Mind Power Strength Master Hilarion Charles Fillmore.pdf Part 3 Twelve Mind Powers Divine Love Master Hilarion Charles Fillmore.pdf Part 4 Twelve Mind Powers Divine Wisdom Master Hilarion Charles Fillmore.pdf 04 Wisdom.png 05 Will.png Part 5 Twelve Mind Powers Divine Will Master Hilarion Charles Fillmore.pdf Part 6 Twelve Mind Powers Divine Power Master Hilarion Charles Fillmore.pdf 06 Power.png 07 Imagination.png Part 7 Twelve Mind Powers Imagination Master Hilarion Charles Fillmore.pdf Part 8 Twelve Mind Powers Divine Understanding Charles Fillmore Master Hilarion .pdf 08 Understanding.png Part 9 Twelve Mind Powers Divine Order Master Hilarion Charles Fillmore.pdf 09 Order.png Part 10 Twelve Mind Powers Divine Zeal Charles Fillmore Master Hilarion.pdf 10 Zeal.png Part 11 Twelve Mind Powers Divine Regeneration Master Hilarion Charles Fillmore.pdf 11 Regeneration.png 12 Elimination.png 03 Love.png 02 Strength.png Part 12 Twelve Mind Powers Elimination Master Hilarion Charles Fillmore.pdf ‘If You Would Like To Help Support the  Elemental Grace Alliance’s Work Please follow the PayPal Link to make a Love Gift’ Bless You! Introduction 12 Mind Powers Visual.png Introduction Twelve Mind Powers.pdf Throne of The Christ.png Throne of The Christ No Names.png 12PowerofManFillmore Barry.mp3

The ‘elementalgracealliance.com.’ is not a commercial site or business.  It is a Living Organism that will grow through the New Consciousness of Human Evolution over the coming months, years, decades and generations to come in Accordance with God’s Divine Will and Cosmic Law.

The Elemental Grace Alliance, in All Its Form, is a Divine Sovereign Entity as a Living Organism, that is totally unaffected by any human miscreations or laws, that do not Serve Humanity for the Greatest Good of All Concerned; that is, All of God Life through Divine Cosmic Law, here upon the Planet of Mother Gaia.

This Living Organism Is Divinely Protected Based upon the Law of Freedom and God’s Given Human Rights to Live a God Life to its full potential.

All information shared upon this Website is for Free Educational Purposes in Accordance with God’s Divine Will and the Laws of Freedom and Divine Human Rights to be Free In Accordance with Cosmic Law!

This Website has been Consecrated and Initiated through the ‘Will To Do’ and the ‘Will To Be’,

 The Good To Do and the Good To Be, and is Sanctioned by The Beloved Elohim Hercules and Eloah. Amazonia!

Mind Powers Contact EGA Book 1 God Awakening I Am Presence Administration Council Discourses On America Vol 18