The Cosmic Christ Mandate

The True Constitution

St. Germain Introduction to the New Cosmic Christ Mandate 20220703

True Constitution Series 1 - Introduction, Indenture and Invocation

True Constitution Series 2 - Full Petition and Grant For Dispensation

True Constitution Series 3 - Why The New ‘I AM’ One World Nation Flag

1 -1 TC Introduction TGC 20200708

2 - 2 TC Indenture TGC 20210917

3 - 3 TC Invocation TGC 20210917

The Cosmic Law of Freedom

The Law of Freedom is that movement which enables human beings the space to expand and grow in their ability to function in a manner that will allow others their freedom and space to grow, in order to free still others.  Freedom is not a final ‘State of Being’, but an Ever-Expanding Action of Giving each other the space to create spaces for others, to create more spaces for still others yet to come.  Freedom may be helped or hindered by human laws, definitions, principles, descriptions, disciplines and boundaries.  However, ALL Universal Laws, free each and every one within a Unification of an Environment of Divine Synthesis instantaneously when Activated from a Rightful Application to God Life.  Any Law which does less than this, is subject to the Rule of a Greater Law.’

‘No one is Free until each is Free and all are Freeing each other’.

1 -1 True Constitution Introduction I AM One World Nation TGC 20210917

2 -2 True Constitution Petitions Seeking That Which Is Unknown TGC 20200830

3 - 2 Transformation Alchemy Class Understanding Is The Focus St Germain 20200531

4  - 9 Twelve Mind Powers Divine Order Charles Fillmore Master Hilarion 19180823

5 - 3 Ascension Alchemy Class Creative Father Consciousness St Germain 20200331

6 - 1 Christ Returns Speaks His Truth Jesus The Christ Letter 1 19960706

7 - 6 Ascension Alchemy Class Global Day Of Independence St Germain 20200403

8 - 3 Background Cosmic Review to the Constitution of the USA for TC Sue 20200830

14 - 15  ENACA Trust Must Be Earned Lady Portia 20190809

9 - 4 Freedom of Humanity Right Human Relations Vienna 19930625

10 - 5 True Constitution Petitions Liberation Day New Annual Event Dispensation 20200831

11 - 12  Divine Economy Two Groups Two Activities Two Functions Master Djwhal Khul 20191211

12 - 2 GESARA Paying It Forward Concept Above The Principle John The Baptist 20190625

13 - 10  Divine Economy The Cave Within the Head Master Djwhal Khul 20191123

15 - 1 GESARA The Mapping Of Consciousness The Great Angel Micah 2019016

16 - 6 True Constitution Petitions Human Prototype Dispensation Full Moon EGA 20200901

17 - 3 ENACA Petition Explosion of Consciousness Maha Chohan 20190718

18 - 9 ENACA Petition Guest Speaker Digital Libraries Of Consciousness Lord Jesus 20190803

19 - 17 True Constitution Petitions This Is Not A Petition For Dispensation Full Moon 20200901

20 - 8 True Constitution Petitions Board of Directors Response To Dispensation 20200906

21 - 9 True Constitution Petitions The True Constitution Inauguration London 20200917

22 - 4 I Am Presence of The Impersonal Life Vol2 Pt4 Joseph Benner 19140924

23 - 1 GESARA RV Currency Reset Immaculate Conception St Germain 20200106

24 - 1 Introduction Alchemy Class Divine Faith St Germain 20200106

25 - 6 Introduction Alchemy Class Parable of the Sower St Germain 20200128

26 - 4 The Melvadek Alliance Queen Sophia Mel 20080615

27 - 16  Introduction Alchemy Class Cosmic Harmony St Germain 20200208

28 - 16  Boot Camp Alchemy Class Why America & Qualification of Force St Germain 20190101

29 - 13 Introduction Alchemy Class Divine Order St Germain 20200204

1 - 1 TC Why The Flag Introduction Why the True Constitution & I AM One World Nation Flag TGC 20210301

2 - 2 TC Why The Flag Treatise Why the I AM One World Nation Flag Maha Chohan 20210306

3 - 3 TC Why The Flag Flying the Flag for the Elementals Devas and Angelic Host Maha Chohan 20210307

4 - 4 TC Why The Flag There Is A Power of Resurrection Maha Chohan 20210308

5 - 5 TC Why The Flag Pyramidal Temples of Light Maha Chohan 20210309

6 - 6 TC Why The Flag Truth is Revealed for A Reason Pallas Athena 20210310

7 - 7 TC Why The Flag Cosmic Invincible Intelligence Pallas Athena 20210415

9 - 8 Living Organism Ashramic Group Of Synthesis The Womb of Creation Maha Chohan 20210413

10 - 9 TC Why The Flag Impetus Of Light Sanat Kumara Lady Meta 20210417

11 - 9 Living Organism Ashramic Group Of Synthesis The Wish Realized Maha Chohan 20210114

12 - 10 TC Why The Flag Ashramic Group Life Great Divine Director 20210418

13 - 11 TC Why The Flag Shift In Consciousness Christ Jesus 20210518

14 - 12 TC Why The Flag True Constitution Flag Design Specifications 20210525

15 - 13 TC Why The Flag Symbols of God Freedom Liberty and Abundance 20210525

16 - 14 TC Why The Flag Symbolic Representations Carewen 20210528

17 - 15 TC Why The Flag Symbology of the Number 12 20210602

18 - 16 TC Why The Flag The St Germain Maltese Cross 19840605

19 - 17 TC Why The Flag Metaphysical Meanings of Turquoise 19960608

20 - 18 TC Why The Flag Heart of the One World Nation St Germain 20210226

21 - 19 TC Why The Flag True Constitution & I AM One World Nation Flag Measurements 20210612

22 - 20 TC Why The Flag The Golden Thread Lars Muhl Law of the Light 20140702

23 - 21 TC Why The Flag Father Mother Life Prayer Jesus the Christ 20000704

24 - 22 TC Why The Flag Elohim Seal From Beloved Peace And Aloha Peter 20210917

For the Greater Glory of God Go I, I Am

The Triune Grace Commission

‘I AM’ One World Nation

1 DFH The Cosmic Christ Mandate St Germain 20220703.mp3

This is a True Constitution of Inauguration, spanning 233 years from the Signing of the US Constitution on the 17th September 1787, which Celebrated the American Willingness for a United States of America, to the Signing of this True Constitution on the 17th September 2020, that Celebrates a New Spiritual Plan of Divine Zeal and Adoration for All God Life.  All this, for a Higher Consciousness of Willingness to Unify the Whole of Humanity through World Peace and the ‘Good To Be’ and the ‘Good to Do’ within every man, woman and child and for the Greater Servitude to and for All other Sentient Lifestreams within and upon this Incredibly Beautiful and Majestic Planet Earth.  The New Diamond Heart of this Human Co-Operative Initiative, Co-Creative Movement and the Loving Desire to Pool Multiple and Extensive World and Universal Resources in this Mighty God Plan called, the

True Constitution Divine Sovereignty for Humanity 29th January 2023.pdf TC Indenture Only Website.pdf TC Handwriting Indenture Text and Introduction For New One World Signatories Website.pdf

The ‘’ is not a commercial site or business.  It is a Living Organism that will grow through the New Consciousness of Human Evolution over the coming months, years, decades and generations to come in Accordance with God’s Divine Will and Cosmic Law.

The Elemental Grace Alliance, in All Its Form, is a Divine Sovereign Entity as a Living Organism, that is totally unaffected by any human miscreations or laws, that do not Serve Humanity for the Greatest Good of All Concerned; that is, All of God Life through Divine Cosmic Law, here upon the Planet of Mother Gaia.

This Living Organism Is Divinely Protected Based upon the Law of Freedom and God’s Given Human Rights to Live a God Life to its full potential.

All information shared upon this Website is for Free Educational Purposes in Accordance with God’s Divine Will and the Laws of Freedom and Divine Human Rights to be Free In Accordance with Cosmic Law!

This Website has been Consecrated and Initiated through the ‘Will To Do’ and the ‘Will To Be’,

 The Good To Do and the Good To Be, and is Sanctioned by The Beloved Elohim Hercules and Eloah. Amazonia!

True Constitution Divine Sovereignty for Humanity 29th January 2023.pdf 6 True Constitution Petitions Human Prototype Dispensation Full Moon EGA 20180223.pdf 4 I Am Presence of The Impersonal Life Vol2 Pt4 Joseph Benner 19140924.pdf 9 True Constitution Inauguration 12pm BST London UK, 17th September 2020.pdf 8 True Constitution Petitions Board of Directors Response To Dispensation 20200906.pdf 17 True Constitution Petitions This Is Not A Petition For Dispensation Full Moon 20200901.pdf 9 ENACA Petition Guest Speaker Digital Libraries Of Consciousness Lord Jesus 20190803.pdf 3 ENACA Petition Explosion of Consciousness Maha Chohan 20190718.pdf 1 GESARA RV Currency Reset Immaculate Conception St Germain 20200106.pdf 16 Boot Camp Alchemy Class Why America & Qualification of Force St Germain 20190101.pdf 16 Introduction Alchemy Class Cosmic Harmony St Germain 20200208.pdf 4 The Melvadek Alliance Queen Sophia Mel 20080615.pdf 6 Introduction Alchemy Class Parable of the Sower St Germain 20200128.pdf 1 Introduction Alchemy Class Divine Faith St Germain 20200106.pdf 13 Introduction Alchemy Class Divine Order St Germain 20200204.pdf 2 True Constitution Petitions Seeking That Which Is Unknown TGC 20200830.pdf 6 Ascension Alchemy Class Global Day Of Independence St Germain, 20200403.pdf 1 Christ Returns Speaks His Truth Jesus The Christ Letter 1.pdf 3 Ascension Alchemy Class Creative Father Consciousness St Germain, 20200331.pdf 9 Twelve Mind Powers Divine Order Charles Fillmore Master Hilarion.pdf 2 Transformation Alchemy Class Understanding Is The Focus St Germain 20200531.pdf 1 True Constitution Introduction I AM One World Nation TGC 20210917 .pdf 3 Cosmic Review Inception Chart and Pluto Return.pdf 10 Divine Economy The Cave Within the Head Master Djwhal Khul 20191123.pdf 2 GESARA Paying It Forward Concept Above The Principle John The Baptist 20190625.pdf 12 Divine Economy Two Groups Two Activities Two Functions Master Djwhal Khul 20191211.pdf 5 True Constitution Petitions Liberation Day New Annual Event Dispensation 20200831.pdf 4 Freedom of Humanity Right Human Relations Vienna 19930625.pdf 15 ENACA Trust Must Be Earned Lady Portia 20190809.pdf 1 ENACA The Mapping Of Consciousness The Great Angel Micah 2019016.pdf 1 Introduction Why the True Constitution & I AM One World Nation Flag TGC 20210301.pdf 7 TC Why The Flag Divine Spiritual Heritage Pallas Athena 20210414.pdf 6 TC Why The Flag Truth is Revealed for A Reason Pallas Athena 20210310.pdf 5 TC Why The Flag Pyramidal Temples of Light Maha Chohan 20210309.pdf 4 TC Why The Flag There Is A Power of Resurrection Maha Chohan 20210308.pdf 3 TC Why The Flag Flying the Flag for the Elementals Devas and Angelic Host Maha Chohan 20210307.pdf 2 TC Why The Flag Treatise Why the I AM One World Nation Flag Maha Chohan 20210306.pdf 8 TC Why The Flag Cosmic Invincible Intelligence Pallas Athena 20210415.pdf 10 TC Why The Flag Ashramic Group Life Great Divine Director 20210418.pdf 9 Living Organism Ashramic Group Of Synthesis The Wish Realized Maha Chohan 20210114.pdf 9 TC Why The Flag Impetus Of Light Sanat Kumara Lady Meta 20210417.pdf 8 Living Organism Ashramic Group Of Synthesis The Womb of Creation Maha Chohan 20210413.pdf 11 TC Why The Flag Shift In Consciousness Christ Jesus 20210518.pdf 16 TC Why The Flag The St Germain Maltese Cross 19840605.pdf 15 TC Why The Flag Symbology of the Number 12 20210602.pdf 14 TC Why The Flag Symbolic Representations Carewen 20210528.pdf 13 TC Why The Flag Symbols of the Presence of God Freedom Liberty and Abundance 20210525.pdf 12 TC Why The Flag True Constitution Flag Design Specifications 20210525.pdf 18 TC Why The Flag Heart of the One World Nation St Germain 20210226.pdf 22 TC Why The Flag Elohim Seal From Beloved Peace And Aloha Peter 20210917.pdf 21 TC Why The Flag Father Mother Life Prayer Jesus the Christ 20000704.pdf 20 TC Why The Flag The Golden Thread Lars Muhl Law of the Light 20140702.pdf 2 TC Indenture TGC 20210917.pdf 1 TC Introduction TGC 20200708.pdf 3 TC Invocation TGC 20210917.pdf Service To Humanity TC Cosmic Christ Mandate Contact EGA Book 1 God Awakening I Am Presence Administration Council Discourses On America Vol 18

8 - 8 TC Why The Flag Divine Spiritual Heritage Pallas Athena 20210414

The New World True Constitution And

the ‘I AM’ One World Nation

Sacred Sigil Mandalas Melchizedek Joseph Benner The Seven Steps New Children Adam and Lilith Christ Letters Radiation Centres EGA Book 1 God Awakening EGA Resources Management Administration Council EGA Discourses About EGA Books/Store Free E-Book Contact SOEPC Council EGA Book 2 Antahkarana ENACA Group Life Narayana Joy Christ Reshel Sanctuaries EGA Sun Reshel Headquarters Pennies From Heaven Introductoion Alchemy CLASS Boot Camp Alchemy Class GESARA Buddhic Columns The Magdalenes Christ Councils Home Mind Powers Ascension Alchemy Class Transformation Alchemy Inception of Light Cosmic Reviews Grants and Petitions The Resetting Of Christ Time Upon Earth Christ True Virgin TC Cosmic Christ Mandate DFH Cosmic Christ Mandate Cosmic Christ Mandate Cosmic Christ Academy Intro Service To Humanity I Am Presence Discourses On America Vol 18 Synthesis E- Magazine TC First Proclamation Resolution Trust Instrument Posits 19th May 2023 For World Signatures.pdf Taurus New Moon 19th May 2023 Cosmic Overview.pdf TC First Proclamation Resolution Trust Instrument Posits 19th May 2023.pdf TC First Proclamation Resolution Trust Instrument Posits 19th May 2023 For World Signatures.pdf TC First Proclamation Resolution Trust Instrument Posits 19th May 2023 For World Signatures.pdf